The IdealStretch is a powerful tool, capable of helping everyone get the perfect stretch from the glutes, down through the hamstring and calf muscles groups, achilles tendon and plantar fascia — all at the same time.
Likewise, the IdealKnee has helped hundreds of users rehab from serious knee and back injuries, regain flexibility / range of motion, and relieve nagging pains.
Our customers have reported that using the IdealStretch / IdealKnee after surgery can help speed the rehab process and regain range of motion in as little as 3 months post surgery.

“Absolutely love this product. I had knee replacement October 10, 2018. Today is February 27, 2019. I could not straighten my leg after my second surgery to debride my joint of a nosocomial infection. This has gone on since November 7, 2016. In one day I was able to not only get my leg straight but was able to touch my heel to the floor. As of February 25, 2019. I was not able to achieve this with in hospital rehabilitation, outpatient physical therapy, or in hospital rehabilitation. In two days I went from no weight on my leg to weight bearing because my leg was finally straight enough to walk.”
“I have been using this stretcher for about a week and a half now. I do 3 to 5 stretches per leg per day holding each one for 30 seconds or so. I have added about 5 inches to my stretch when bending over and touching toes. Before, I couldn’t touch my toes (about 3 to 4 inches from the floor). Now I can touch the ground! This product definitely works but you have to use it!”
After A Few Months of Using the IdealStretch
“Still using this great stretching tool. It has worked wonders for my hamstrings, calves, feet, and lower back. I used to have plantar fasciitis but it is now gone. You will notice how much it stretches your feet when using this and I think that has been key to eliminating my plantar fasciitis. This is worth every penny! I do have one suggestion for the designer of this product. I think there should be an alternate handle with a different angle to it that could be purchased for more advanced stretching.
After fighting nasty sciatic pain due to a herniated disk for several months, I finally got it through my thick head that deep stretching is BY FAR the most important thing you can do to help heal/relieve that disk and sciatic nerve pain.
I have improved my sciatic pain so dramatically in 2 weeks using this thing it is unbelievable. It gets a potent deep stretch all the way from your calf right up into your hammy, glutes, and lower back. The stretching is tough but will pay dividends big time! If you have sciatic pain – do not walk – RUN and get this and use it often daily. I just can’t say enough good about it and how much relief it has brought me!”
The IdealKnee is the most affordable and effective rehabilitation companion for ACL / MCL tears, meniscus repair, and knee replacement surgery. In as little as two weeks, users have experienced greatly increased range of motion / knee extension after surgery.

“Good, simple product that works as advertised and outperforms alternative medical devices. I purchased IdealKnee for my father who recently had knee replacement surgery. He had tried a different product that he found difficult to use and uncomfortable. After giving up on that item, my dad tried IdealKnee at his physical therapist and thought it might improve his range of motion. I ordered it for him, it arrived earlier than expected, and my dad loves it. His ability to straighten his knee improved from 10- 15 degrees to 0 degrees in the course of about a week. He’s now walking without his cane and gets a little stronger each day.”
“Started using this 8 weeks after my ACL recon and meniscus repair. I was struggling with scar tissue blocking my range of motion so I had a manipulation under anesthesia done at week 6 PO. That helped with flexion but I was still struggling with extension. Stuck at 10 degrees from 0 for a while. Bought the ideal knee, and after 1.5 weeks of use, I measured at 7 degrees from full extension. Showed it to my surgeon and PT and they both really like it. My surgeon likes it better than the expensive dynasplint he almost ordered for me. I’m convinced this is going to help me reach full extension and avoid another scar tissue surgery. Definitely try it out if you’re having extension issues!”
“I had knee replacement surgery and was struggling with getting my knee to straighten. The physical therapy was important to my recovery but only going 3 times a week was not enough to get it right. They suggested a contraption that was $750 to rent for one month to help. Even with insurance it would have cost $350. So, I decided to look for something more reasonable and found this item. After using it for two months I can honestly say it has truly made a difference. I started at 10° Extension (which caused me to walk funny) and now I am at 2°. I use it twice a day doing five reps of one minute each. If I don’t do it use it daily, I do notice the difference. I would highly recommend this if you are having trouble with extension.”